Good Choice

Pooch’s surgery went well. He was hopping when I picked him up. Over the next couple of months adapted very well learning to balance and play. He needs rest breaks as we walk and he face plants as he gets used to his situation. He turned 11 years old and is a true warrior.

I stapled down rugs all over my hardwood floors so he can walk without slipping. I had a 5 foot long bath mat I use as path into the kitchen to his food and water bowls. I also made a table to raise his bowls 6” so he doesn’t have to bend. I’m getting used to him plopping down so hard.

A couple of times he’s got himself stuck where he had trapped his good front leg and had to wait for me to get him up. He’s in and out the doggy door all day long while I’m at work.


A video 3months after amputation can be seen at:

One thought on “Good Choice”

  1. Wow Pooch still looks like a kid. It was good to see him on video, thanks for sharing.

    Is there any way you can get him to a physio / canine rehabilitation therapist? All Tripawds can benefit from an expert’s eye and they can teach you ways to help your boy get stronger. Even at 11 there are things you can do to increase his strength and stamina. And don’t forget, the Tripawds Foundation may pay for your first consultation. See:

    Thanks for the pupdate, it’s good to hear from you and we look forward to more.

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